Please open the years below to see my main client work

  • Travel Foundation

    • I am working with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States writing their Climate Action Plan

    • I am delivering a series of training workshops with the Council of Peripheral and Maritime Regions (CPMR) to support the implemetation of the Toolkit and Blueprint that I wrote in 2024.

    UN Tourism

    • I am writing a series of case studies of Climate Action Planning best practices


    • I am a member of the Independent Advisory Group (since 2019)

  • Travel Foundation - I worked with Visit Finland writing their Climate Action Roadmap. I wrote An Introduction to Climate Justice and Tourism - a guide for Travel Businesses and The Blueprint for Tourism Climate Action Plans. A Guide for Regional Authorities and Destination Management Organizations.

    Visit England - I wrote a guide on effective sustainable tourism communication for accommodation providers and attractions.

    UN Tourism - I lead the research and writing of the second official report into progress of the Glasgow Declaration.

    Travalyst (since 2019) - I am a member of the Independent Advisory Group

    Excelia La Rochelle (2020-2024) - I taught a course in sustainable tourism

  • Travel Foundation - I led the creation of VIsit Finland’s Climate Action Plan, and wrote a guide for travel writers looking to engage with climate change.

    UN TOURISM - I led the research and writing of the official report into progress of the Glasgow Declaration, reviewing all (250+) published Climate Action Plans.

  • Travel Foundation - I consulted for this international NGO, helping develop their Climate Programme for Destinations. I worked on climate action planning with a range of their leading clients and partners across tourism, including the European Travel Commission, NECSTouR, VisitScotland, and Expedia.

    UNWTO - I wrote a report analysing the state of tools and methodologies for measuring greenhouse gas emissions and setting climate targets in tourism.

    Tresco Island - I helped develop the climate action plan for this island destination of the south west of the UK.

  • UNWTO - I collaborated with UNWTO, the Adventure Travel Trade Association, San Francisco State University, Texas AM University on the first ever Global Survey of Climate Action in Tourism.

    UNWTO - I collaborated with the UNWTO, UNEP, Travel Foundation & VisitScotland to write the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism, which we launched at COP26. ext goes here

  • Bruges Ommeland - I analysed the strategic framework for this Belgian region and wrote a report for them advising on developing their tourism sustainably over the next decade

    Tripadvisor (2019-2020) - I provided strategic consultancy to Tripadvisor on sustainability issues around animal welfare, conservation and overtourism.

    World Travel Market (2013-2020) - I help create the programme for World Responsible Tourism Day each year, interview award winners, and work on event communication.oes here

  • Rotterdam Partners - I was part of the International Advisory Board in 2019 helping the city create a new vision for its tourism development. I also was one of the editors of the resulting report 'The Rotterdam Way'.

    Travel Without Plastic - I wrote a guide on sustainable tourism communication for this environmental organisation.

    European Travel Commission - I wrote a report for ETC on overtourism, supported by an event for the organisation looking at solutions to overtourism, for which I arranged the speakers beforehand and moderated the panels.

    Latin American Travel Association - Member of the expert working group developing LATA's sustainability charter for its 700+ members.

    University of Business in Wroclaw - I taught two courses for masters students -  CSR in Hospitality and Green Tourism.

    World Travel and Tourism Council (2014-2019) - I wrote their monthly newsletter on sustainable tourism for five years.

    Surrey University - I was a guest lecturer at the School of Hospitality and Tourism, delivering classes in sustainable tourism communication.tion

  • English National Parks - I wrote a strategic communication analysis for the UK's National Parks, looking at issues around climate change.

    Joker - I provided a series of communication workshops into sustainable tourism and sustainable food for Belgium's largest responsible travel tour company.

    TUI - I conducted an in depth communications audit on behalf of the Travel Foundation and advised TUI on how they might develop their communications to encourage guests to engage more deeply with the local community.

  • Visit Finland - I designed and ran a sustainability communications workshop for Visit Finland's marketing teams.

    South Downs National Park - I wrote the content for a new website for this English National Park.

    Pacific and Asia Travel Association - I was the Social Media team leader for their Nepal Recovery Task Force and wrote an advisory paper for PATA proposing a social media strategy to revive Nepal's tourism industry following the 2015 earthquake.

    The Blue Yonder - I wrote the content for their A-Z of Responsible Tourism campaign, which was the winner of Das Goldene Stadttor award at ITB.

    Graston Farm - I designed and built the website for this sustainable farmstay and B&B based in Dorset, UK, and wrote all the content for the site.

    Secret Bay - I provided social media, blogging, web content and communications strategy for this award-winning Dominican ecolodge.

    Fort Young Hotel - I wrote the content for a new website for this Dominican heritage hotel, worked on rebranding, and advised on social media strategy.

    Fair Travel - I designed, built and wrote the content for a new website for this Swedish travel company.

    RAW Kenya - I designed, built and wrote the content for the new website for this Kenyan travel company.

    Responsible Tourism Partnership - I designed and built a new website for this UK-based tourism consultancy.

    Ethical Travel Portal - I designed, built and wrote the content for a new website for this Norwegian travel company.